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What keeps CISOs up at night? A halloween tale of cyber frights and digital haunts


Given the rising number of data breaches, as flagged in the recent Notifiable Data Breaches Report, this Halloween, while we're all carving pumpkins and preparing for trick-or-treaters, Australia's CISOs are likely facing a different kind of horror. 

It's not the ghouls, goblins, or the creepy crawlies that keep them awake – it's a real-world nightmare of ceaseless cyber threats, identity security challenges and the rising spectre of enterprise challenges, like unmanaged machine identities, insider threats and non-employee risks. 

So let's explore what really goes bump in the night for today's cybersecurity leaders—and the best ways to fight back against the darkness.

The Boardroom Crypt: Shadows of Accountability
In every haunted house, there's always a room no one wants to enter—the boardroom is that place for CISOs. For them, it's the place where the demands of accountability hover like unseen shadows. Boards want stronger defences, but often without grasping the complexities behind building them. 

It's like being in a horror film where everyone yells, "We must survive!"—but they don't realise the kind of arsenal you need: skilled people, robust processes and cutting-edge technology. This means that CISOs need to be more than just technical experts—they must become master storytellers, translating tech nightmares into compelling, relatable narratives and strategies that turn skeptics into allies.

Zombie Invasion: The Hidden Peril of Insider Threats
Most scary movies are not complete without a fortified mansion – windows barricaded, doors locked, everything seemingly secure. But inside, someone has already been 'bitten'. Insider threats are the silent zombies in the heart of every organisation, waiting to strike. 

With the danger sometimes it's lurking within, identity security and privileged access are essential – ensuring that only the right people have access to the most sensitive areas. However, there are times, as the recent audit of NSW agencies showed that even privileged access at times can go rogue due to the often manual requirement around keeping it updated. As such, automation becomes the crucial spell CISOs wield, helping to keep privileged access in check, granting it swiftly when needed, and rescinding it the moment it's no longer safe.

Machine Identities Run Amok: The Frankenstein of the Digital World
In today's digital landscape, machine identities could be considered the modern Frankenstein's monsters – necessary for business operations, but terrifyingly unpredictable if left unchecked. These identities can multiply out of control, becoming vectors for unseen dangers. 

New and advanced identity security solutions are the lightning rods that bring these rogue entities under control by automating the governance process, providing CISOs with visibility to avoid a full-scale identity horror show.

Compliance Monsters: The Multi-Headed Beasts Under the Bed
Every CISO knows that regulatory compliance is the monster under the bed – impossible to ignore and regularly morphing into something even more daunting. From industry-specific requirements to broader privacy demands, this multi-headed beast looms large, ready to strike if neglected. The stakes are high; one misstep can lead to financial penalties that make even the bravest quiver. 

CISOs must tame this beast while managing shrinking budgets by utilising automation and practicing strategic foresight to keep compliance nightmares at bay.

The House of Open Doors: Third-Party Risk and Trick-or-Treaters
In any horror story, there's always that moment when the door swings open, inviting danger inside. For CISOs, that's third-party risk – necessary partners, contractors knocking at the door, each requiring access to get the job done. But open too wide and you risk letting in malicious actors. The challenge for CISOs is to be gatekeepers, monitoring every interaction and ensuring that these "trick-or-treaters" get only the right amount of access they need—nothing more, nothing less.

Skeleton Crew: Fighting Off the Nightmares with Limited Resources
In classic horror films, the cast dwindles, leaving only a few survivors to face down the rising threat. CISOs are increasingly facing their own skeleton crew—a dwindling pool of skilled cybersecurity professionals, tasked with fending off increasingly sophisticated threats. 

The solution? Automation and AI used strategically enable CISOs to do more with less. And solving this conundrum is not just about technology to patch gaps – it's about being forward thinking, connecting with education to show future careers, and building diverse teams capable of seeing threats from every angle, turning the talent shortage into an opportunity for innovative problem-solving.

Facing the Demons: A Strategic Path to Survival
The question isn't if CISOs will face horrors—it's how they'll survive them. The key is to think strategically beyond the immediate threats and into the future and address identity security challenges with an intelligent and unified approach. 

Like a savvy horror protagonist, good CISOs plan not just for today, but for the long term. Their challenge is to prepare for the unexpected, to anticipate the unseen and to keep the monsters of unmanaged identities, insider threats and privileged access under control. Because, sometimes, the scariest things are not the creatures outside – it's being unprepared for what's already inside your walls. And then it is leveraging tools appropriately – automation and AI – rather than looking at them as silver bullets.

So this Halloween, when the ghouls come out to play, spare a thought for the CISOs guarding your digital world. Their story isn't just about facing the monsters—it's about outsmarting them. Happy Halloween... and may your cybersecurity framework be as resilient as a fortress that no ghost, ghoul or glitch can breach.

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