Verizon unveils three new security solutions in expanded suite
Verizon has recently announced an expansion of its suite of security solutions, introducing three new solutions as well as an 'enhancement' of its Rapid Response Retainer service.
Verizon Business executive director and chief product officer of security services Alex Schlager says the growth of the company's security suite comes at a time where the threat of cyber attack is looming over most aspects of our digital lives.
"Cybercrime is a daily threat to every organisation and government across the globe," says Schlager.
"Our 2019 Data Breach Investigations Report highlighted that financially motivated cyberattacks are increasing across the board, and that C-level executives are increasingly targeted by social breaches, linked to stolen credentials."
This new service leverages analytics and behaviour modelling to help organisations quickly identify potential cyber threats, according to Verizon.
The cloud-based solution makes use of Verizon's core remote threat monitoring, detection and response capabilities as well as built-in multi-layer analytics and behaviour modelling from Securonix.
Verizon MDR is available globally from April 2020.
VID leverages blockchain, among the first Verizon security solutions to do so (the other being Machine State Integrity).
Verizon ID introduces the 'digital identity' feature, which enables users to store identity credentials on their mobile devices, which can be accessed, 'potentially' eliminating the need for passwords.
29% of breaches investigated involved the use of stolen credentials, according to Verizon's Data Breach Investigations Report released in 2019.
The solution encrypts and distributes identity data across multiple online servers on the blockchain, so there is no centralised database or single point of entry for breach attempts.
The solution also incorporates multi-factor authentication and biometrics.
Verizon says the solution is available to customers globally.
Verizon's Machine State IntegrityOperational data is sourced from decentralised machine environments in this solution, which Verizon says will subsequently offer insights on potential compliance and security issues.
Machine security is a complex challenge - a single weak entry point that is exploited by a cyberattack could lead to complete infrastructure breakdown.
The solution will be available in the US from Q2 2020.
The expansion of this solution means the VTRAC team can be alerted and liaise with customers within six hours from an incident report, dependent on specific customer retainers.
The expansion also includes Verizon Network Detection and Response, Dark Web Hunting, Tanium's endpoint protection and Verizon's backbone NetFlow.
A new mobile app is also available where customers can access threat status reports and contact response teams.
Schlager says the growing threats that organisations face in 2020 and beyond require an expansion on the current state of their cybersecurity measures.
"Now, more than ever, organisations need to be thinking differently about security, and leveraging cutting edge technology to help mitigate against cybercrime," says Schlager.
"These Verizon solutions offer a significant step forward in cybersecurity protection.