Secolve and SecurityGate.io tackle CI compliance in Australian first
OT cybersecurity specialists, Secolve, and US-based security software specialist, SecurityGate.io, are joining forces in an Australian first partnership ahead of new critical infrastructure legislation.
Through the partnership Secolve clients will be able to access SecurityGate.io's risk and compliance management platform, fast-tracking compliance with the new legislative requirements for Australian businesses operating in the 11 sectors now deemed critical.
Amendments to the Security of Critical Infrastructure Act 2018 (Cth), expected to be passed in Parliament's next sitting, significantly expand the scope of prescribed business entities, which will now be required to adopt risk management programs reported to the government annually.
Secolve CEO Laith Shahin says many companies are unaware of the new obligations and unprepared for the changes.
Shahin says, "Experience shows cybersecurity is a low priority for many companies, even among those operating in the area of critical infrastructure, so it's very likely many will be left scrambling to be across all the changes and requirements.
"If we take the energy sector as an example, its compliance requirements with the Australian Energy Sector Cyber Security Framework (AESCSF) can be an overwhelming and time-consuming activity.
"Having the ability to now streamline the assessment process by making it digital, scalable and with the ability to track progression and provide constant management reporting, will help overcome many of the challenges that sector faces."
Seclove is the first Australian organisation SecurityGate.io has partnered with. The software platform steps businesses through the process of risk assessments and regulatory reporting.
The automated software cuts paperwork and the time to compliance. According to the company, the software enables businesses to:
- Provide key team members with at-a-glance real-time views to see intelligent risk scoring, missing controls, and potential impact of a cybersecurity threats.
- Generate reports on the completion of each step in the process, from regulatory and client requirements to risk assessment and any associated correction activities.
- Allow assigned stakeholders to remotely monitor compliance management across multiple data sources, internal assets, and operational sites.
Shahin says, "Cybersecurity is incredibly complex, particularly in the area of operational technology, with each sector required to comply with different frameworks, some of which can necessitate oversight of 250 controls, with responsibilities shared across teams.
"Through the platform, we streamline everything into one portal, tracking risk posture against compliance obligations, with all of the framework questions and evidence uploaded into one source.
"And because it's accessible to all team members, it eliminates staff silos and multiple spreadsheets, and assists with transparency by generating real-time reports to update risk committees and boards."
SecurityGate.io CEO Ted Gutierrez says, "The Secolve partnership was an important first step in the company's expansion plans in Australia to meet the intersecting demands of critical infrastructure security and digital transformation.
"It demonstrates the fact that cybersecurity is a global issue that requires a global response to defeat threat actors. We have seen many recent examples of Australian businesses coming under attack and the Australian government responding with legislation to more comprehensively combat the problem.
"We're excited to partner with Secolve to help businesses comply with the new obligations and uplift their security maturity to prevent future attacks.