KnowBe4 starts ransomware awareness month with resource kit
KnowBe4, the provider of security awareness training and simulated phishing platform, has announced the release of a resource kit for IT managers as part of a month-long effort in July to increase awareness of ransomware, its many forms and methods used by cybercriminals to extort funds.
Ransomware is a type of malicious attack where attackers encrypt an organisation's data and demand payment to restore access. This has evolved to include the exfiltration and threatened exposure of valuable information, compounding the extortion. This is one of the many ways bad actors take advantage of the human element in cybersecurity.
According to the 2023 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report, ransomware is present today in more than 62% of all incidents committed by organised cybercriminals and 59% of all incidents with a financial motivation.
"Unfortunately, a majority of organisations have experienced at least one ransomware attack within the last year," says Stu Sjouwerman, chief executive officer of KnowBe4.
"In order to attempt to stop ransomware attacks, organisations must have a preventative strategy that aligns with the way these types of attacks start. Creating a snowball effect, cybercriminals are ramping up the extortion aspect of ransomware, making damages even worse and recovery that much more challenging. This is something that can only be addressed by creating a proper security culture, with security awareness training at the centre of it all."
The KnowBe4 2023 Ransomware Awareness Month Resource Kit includes access to the company's free on-demand Ransomware Master Class webinar featuring Roger Grimes.
"The Kit also includes KnowBe4's data-driven defence evangelist; our most popular white paper: Ransomware Hostage Rescue Manual and supplemental Attack Response and Prevention Checklists; a seven-minute video that explains The Evolution and Future of Ransomware; a new infographic on The Global Cost of Ransomware, and posters and digital signage to remind users about what to watch out for," adds Sjouwerman.
He also shared the benefits customers get when using KnowBe4 software solutions.
"You get access to the world's largest library of security awareness training content. You get automated training campaigns with scheduled reminder emails. You get trained on best-in-class, fully automated simulated phishing attacks, thousands of templates with unlimited usage, and community phishing templates. We also provide enterprise-strength reporting, showing stats and graphs for both training and phishing, ready for management."
"In addition, clients get 60+ built-in reports for training and phishing campaigns, as well as a general overview of the last five campaigns. The new innovative virtual risk officer functionality helps you monitor where you stand over time, showing you the risk score by employee, group, and your whole organisation," he adds.
"Apart from the existing templates, you can customise scenarios based on personal information, creating targeted spear phishing campaigns. Each phishing template can also have its own custom landing page, which allows for point-of-failure education and specifically phish for sensitive information."