Dimension Data, Deakin Uni & Vic Govt work with industry to boost Australia's cyber skills
Dimension Data, Deakin University, ANZ and NAB have all put their names forward as part of a new collaboration to provide internships for up to 50 graduates of Deakin's new Bachelor of Cyber Security degree.
According to Gayle Tierney, Minister for Training and Skills, each student will receive four industry certifications from the Victorian Government as part of the degree. The Victorian Government has now invested $1 million in the qualification.
The partnership aims to help train Australia's IT security experts of the future through Deakin's degree, which includes industry certifications and internships. This ensures students are job-ready as soon as they graduate.
In conjunction with Box Hill Institute's Certificate IV in Cyber Security and the new Advanced Diploma of Cyber Security, Deakin's Bachelor of Cyber Security is a pathway to higher education.
Students can choose to take a 12-week internship at ANZ, Deakin, Dimension Data or the NAB after they have completed their studies.
Duncan Brown, Dimension Data's director of the Strategy Innovation Office, says the company is excited to offer a long-term career path in cybersecurity and a pathway to employment.
"Collaborating on Deakin's Bachelor of Cyber Security degree takes our longstanding partnership with the University to the next level," he explains.
"This initiative will help launch Australia's future cyber experts into the workforce, ready to go at a time when cyber security expertise has never been needed more. It's been well documented that there's a global shortage of cyber security professionals. At the same time, employers often report that candidates for cyber security roles are not 'work-ready' at the time of hire.
He says a holistic approach to education and training will address challenges and set up new graduates for success in security.
In addition to the internships, ANZ, Dimension Data and NAB have contributed to the course curriculum about what organisations need and what is on the horizon. They will also conduct ongoing curriculum reviews to ensure industry relevance.
Deakin University's Head of the School of IT, Professor John Yearwood, says the course was designed for students' job-readiness upon graduation, and for addressing current and future security challenges.
"Our new course, and this partnership, will help build confidence for businesses, consumers and the Australian economy, knowing that cyber resilience is being taught at the highest level, with Deakin providing world-class content," Yearwood comments.
"It will enhance cyber security collaboration between the Government, education and industry sectors in Victoria and create jobs for the digital economy, which depends on the right security for public and consumer services to be safely accessed in today's globalised digital world," he continues.
NAB's CISO Andrew Dell adds that his company is well placed to address future cyber threats.
ANZ's head of Technology, Cyber Security, adds that the company is pleased to help build skills and address cybersecurity's skill shortages.
The Victorian Government and Dimension Data also launched a cybersecurity incubator partnership, dubbed 'CyRise', last year.