Check Point unveils Horizon Playblocks for automated cybersecurity
Check Point Software Technologies, has announced the launch of Check Point Horizon Playblocks. This latest platform aims to create a new paradigm in security automation and collaboration, designed specifically to counteract cyber-attacks automatically and prevent them from spreading across networks.
Horizon Playblocks is a significant addition to Check Point's Horizon prevention-first security operations suite. This advanced platform enables a seamless collaboration between security products, personnel, and internal processes to automate security operations across the network, thereby saving valuable time and resources.
In light of rapidly increasing cyberattacks, security teams often face challenges prioritising manual updates and patching vulnerabilities across various security products and vast network enterprises. The conventional security model operates on a local environment level, assuming that threats are contained within the silo. Contrarily, Horizon Playblocks revolutionises this approach by enabling products, people, and processes to work collaboratively in halting the proliferation of attacks.
The strategic movements of Horizon Playblocks are aligned towards a holistic approach. As Nataly Kremer, Chief Product Officer, and Head of R&D at Check Point Software Technologies, elucidates, "Horizon Playblocks encapsulates our vision of collaborative security—it's where people, processes and technologies unite to deliver intuitive, consolidated, and automatic defence mechanisms. Playblocks embodies true collaborative security with its unique blend of immediate response, automatic updates, and third-party integration."
Horizon Playblocks takes collaborative security a notch higher. It triggers action across every security enforcement point as soon as an attack materialises, aided by predefined prevention playbooks. Seamless integration with Check Point Quantum and Harmony sustains this collaborative defence mechanism, ensuring a formidable fortification across the entire security environment. Furthermore, serving as a unified security infrastructure, it provides a consolidated shield across both Check Point and third-party products. Simultaneously, its automated features facilitate rapid deployment with playbooks and automatic policy updates without necessitating manual intervention.
Playblocks has been met with positive reviews from the cybersecurity community. Plamen Todorov, Senior Information Technology Specialist at MOTORTECH GmbH, states, "The security and operational value of Playblocks became clear to us immediately. The collaborative nature of the platform means that all of our security products are working in sync together to provide a level of security which was previously unattainable."
Michael Suby, IDC Research Vice President, Security & Trust, adds his perspective, "In cybersecurity time is the attacker's biggest advantage, so the more preventative actions can be automated the better an organisation can prevent severe threats. By harnessing the preventative powers of all security products in an environment, the Playblocks platform makes it easier for security teams to automate the most crucial actions across multiple tools."