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Why organisations are facing a perfect information management storm

Mon, 14th Dec 2020
FYI, this story is more than a year old

Artice by Micro Focus regional director of sales, information management, Brandon Voight.

The age of digital transformation is currently unfolding in the business world and for government organisations and, while adopting digital transformation initiatives has certainly provided businesses and government agencies with an array of benefits, it has brought one big issue to light: information privacy.

Privacy is even more critical to manage now as companies shift legacy systems to the cloud, streamline processes through digitalisation, and implement remote working initiatives. Ensuring effective security protocols and management solutions should be front-of-mind for executives and business owners as organisations weather perfect information management storms.

A perfect information management storm occurs when underlying forces, such as technology and innovation, cause both challenges and opportunities in the business environment. In the case of digital transformation, organisations can improve efficiency and reduce costs; however, information management, privacy and security have emerged as critical challenges businesses must address.

When businesses and government agencies were impacted by COVID-19, and employees weren't able to return to the workplace, digital transformation initiatives accelerated to keep organisations moving while working remotely.

Records and information management became imperative during this time to ensure the most appropriate protocols were in place for data security. Without security to keep information private, and without an effective document management protocol, organisations risk cyber-breaches, lost records, broken customer or citizen trust, and non-compliance with regulations.

Weathering the information storm relies on effective information management, leveraging the tools available. Finding a management solution that aligns with employees' remote working requirements while being easy to use can be a different journey for each organisation.

Ultimately, organisations need to orchestrate a security solution ensuring information is fortified with business longevity in mind. Four key data considerations during this process are:

1.        Truth. Making the right decisions for the business and its customers or the government and their citizens rely on having true, up-to-date facts and information.

2.        Speed. Organisations are under constant pressure to operate faster, meet customer demands quicker, and have shorter turnaround times; however, bad management can hinder processes if employees spend a lot of time trying to find information.  

3.        Accuracy. When processes, payments and business operations are accurate, it can transform the company's or agency's reputation and operations and save unnecessary costs.

4.        Control. Having control over information as it makes its way to the far edges of the organisation's network is essential to maintain privacy and protection.

Organisations cannot afford the penalties of failing to protect data. These penalties can include financial or reputational loss, and, in the uncertain business environment disrupted by COVID-19, their recovery can be compromised.

Digital transformation is a critical aspect of business evolution, so organisations shouldn't fear it, and the information management storm it brings. By reviewing management processes and implementing a solution that bolsters data privacy, organisations can operate with resilience and confidence in a challenging environment.

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