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Pearcey Foundation reveals Australia 4.0 blueprint for net zero transition
Thu, 25th Apr 2024

The Pearcey Foundation unveiled its Australia 4.0 Communiqué, a strategic document detailing how Australia can transition to a net zero economy, at a recent event in Sydney. The communiqué, resulting from the collaboration between industry leaders in the energy and ICT sectors, lays out ten significant challenges and offers the blueprint for five potential pilot projects to move Australia towards a net zero energy ecosystem.

At the event held at the Australian Computer Society (ACS) Head Office, several distinguished speakers, including Wayne Fitzsimmons OAM, Pearcey Foundation's Chair, and Dr Ian Oppermann, Chair of the Australia 4.0 Committee, shed light on the subject. Other speakers included Helen McHugh, President, ACS; Lynne Gallagher, Board Member, AER; Michael Bradley, Executive General Manager, Strategic Projects, AEMC; Bill Lilley, Chief Research Officer, RACE 2030; Romilly Madew, CEO, Engineers Australia; and Terry Lampard, President, Electric Energy Society of Australia.

In a video message, the Honourable Ed Husic MP, Minister for Industry and Science expressed, "Australia is currently at a turning point. The transition to net zero requires a profound transformation of our electricity infrastructure, policy landscape and modes of operation. There are enormous opportunities for Australian innovators, service providers, and manufacturers to play a part in creating solutions for a successful energy transition – and that definitely includes the digital and ICT sector."

Australia 4.0 initiative aims to promote collaboration between the energy and ICT sectors to help the country transition towards a net zero energy system. It pinpoints that "the transition to net zero requires the ability to share and use network and individual household level data at scale while preserving individual privacy and doing so in a secure way. Data is the way of seeing and understanding the network and AI gives us the ability to make sense of and optimise future networks," according to Dr Oppermann.

The Communiqué, created from the insights of various industry experts and thought leaders who took part in the Pearcey Foundation's Australia 4.0 discussion series in 2023, synthesised these insights into ten critical challenges facing the industry. Some of these challenges include attaining global leadership in the renewable energy transition through engineering excellence and collaboration, the complexities of future grid management, increasing cybersecurity risks due to the evolving grid complexities, and a significant skill shortage impeding both current operations and future needs.

Moreover, the Communiqué proposes five pilot projects to expedite the journey towards a net zero energy system for Australia. These projects include establishing an Energy Advisory Service, decoding energy information, adopting an open data architecture, upgrading energy and digital skills, and building a cyber-physical-transactional network.

Wayne Fitzsimmons OAM, Chair of the Pearcey Foundation, acknowledged the criticality of the transition task at hand. He said, "Australia 4.0 has been a representation of the enormity of the challenge, and this collaborative effort has been a wonderful development for our nation. We look forward to working with industry as together we start to address the challenges outlined in the transition to net zero. That needs to start now! We've got some momentum and people want to be involved; now we need the collective efforts and mindsets of everybody to contribute."